Bok: Akademisk skriftserie

A door opened by the Lord. The history of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya

In february 1939, shortly before World War II, two delegates from Swedish Lutheran Mission (Missionssällskapet Bibeltrogna Vänner) came to East Africa and made an agreement with the community at Itierio, close to Kisii town in South Western Kenya, to initiate a mission work there. Because of the war, the first missionaries came to Itierio in early 1948. Out of this pioneer ministry a small Church grew, the Lutheran Church of Kenya, which had a few thousand members and two national pastors when it became independent in 1963. Since then the Church has grown rapidly and is now found in many parts of the country. It is well known over the world as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya. It has appr. 100 000 members, four bishops, more than one hundred pastors and several hundred congregations. It is led by the Presiding Bishop Dr. Walter Obare. The author, Rev. Dr. Rune Imberg, worked as a missionary in Kenya (1990-1996) together with his wife Katrina, teaching at Matongo Lutheran Theological College, from 1992 as Principal. In the book, he tries to answer the following questions:

  • How come that Swedish Lutheran Mission decided to start a new mission field in Kenya?
  • How has the work developed over the years, from a tiny mission work to an independent Church with four dioceses?
  • What are the important decisions and deliberations which have influenced the development of ELCK?

Imberg has especially tried to trace the visions which have influenced the development of ELCK, concentrating on the development up to 1968. The history of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya is a witness to the greatness of God, showing how he is leading his people, often in surprising ways, and how he has blessed his Church in Africa and Kenya. The book is based on extensive research in archives and libraries, especially in Kenya and Sweden. It is illustrated with some maps and more than one hundred photos, many of them unique.

Författare: Rune Imberg
Skriftserien: nr 9 i FFG:s akademiska skriftserie
Utgivningsår: 2008.
Pris: 100 kr



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