An invitation to our international community: February days at FFG

In February, several events and lectures are offered in English, which is an opportunity for – and invitation to! – the international community around FFG (the Lutheran School of Theology in Gothenburg). For more information about FFG in English and how to contact us, click here.

February 17-21: Doctrine and Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper

Teacher: Dr. Naomichi Masaki, Concordia Theological Seminary

This is a week-long intensive-course on the Lord’s Supper from a confessional Lutheran perspective in the Master of Sacred Theology-program. The whole STM-program is suitable both for those who wish to equip themselves for theological leadership in the church and for those planning to continue with studies for a doctoral degree. It is possible to apply for the whole program, or just this specific course.

Information and registration here.

February 21-22: Nicea 1700 years (AD 325-2025)

The two-day-long conference has lectures in English on Friday the 21st. Dr. Carl Beckwith teaches on the history and theology of the Council at Nicea 325, two lectures 13.30-14.30 and 15.00-16.00. Beckwith is professor of historical theology at Concordia Theological Seminary, and a prominent Lutheran theologian on the doctrine and history of the Holy Trinity, and patristical theology in general. He has written the volume on The Holy Trinity (2016) in the Confessional Lutheran Dogmatics series.

For more information and registration, contact us. Conference page (in Swedish)

February 24-25: The Holy Trinity today?

Teacher: Dr. Carl Beckwith, Concordia Theological Seminary

Two-day-long intensive course on the doctrine of the trinity with Dr. Carl Beckwith. This is a unique opportunity to listen to, and meet, the author of the volume on The Holy Trinity in the Confessional Lutheran Dogmatics series, and discover some of the ancient and current, even pastoral, issues on the doctrine of the trinity. The registration fee is 600 SEK for both days (coffee included). The schedule is 9:00-16:30 both days.

For more information and registration, contact us. Conference page (in Swedish)

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293. Antilegomena – omstridda bibelböcker (del 2), med Daniel Johansson

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Ansökan för studier på FFG


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FFG återkopplar inom kort för att genomföra ansökan om formella högskolestudier på Fjellhaug Internasjonale Høgskole (FIH).

Efter godkänd ansökan från FIH är en student antagen också på FFG.

Ansökningstiden för sen ansökan går ut 15 augusti. Efter det, kontakta oss för information om andra ansökningsvägar!