Bok: Akademisk skriftserie

He Alone is Worthy! The Vitality of the Lord’s Supper in Theodor Kliefoth and in the Swedish Liturgy of the Nineteenth Century

Dr Naomichi Masaki highlights the liturgical thinking of Teodor Kliefoth (1810-1895) who served in Schwerin, Germany and found his liturgical ideal in the Reformation era. In 1850, his liturgical thinking started to influence the Swedish Church.  One concequence was that the culmination of the Lord’s Supper’s Preface no longer should be formulated “It is right and proper” but instead “He alone is worthy of thanks and praise”.

Författare: Naomichi Masaki, professor of Systematic Theology at Concordia Theological Seminary, USA
Skriftserien: nr 12 i FFG:s akademiska skriftserie
Utgivningsår: 2013
Pris: 300 kr



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