Master of Sacred Theology

Confessional Lutheran Post-graduate Studies

Lutheran School of Theology (Församlings-fakulteten) in collaboration with Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft Wayne, IN (USA) offers a Master of Sacred Theology (advanced theological studies) in Gothenburg, Sweden.  Upon completing the program, students receive the S.T.M. degree from CTS.

The S.T.M. (in Latin: Sacrae Theologiae Magister) degree program provides the opportunity to acquire specialized knowledge in a chosen field of theological study and to gain and use skills necessary for scholarly work and research in theology on an advanced level. The program is suitable both for those who wish to advance their theological knowledge and understanding beyond a Master of Divinity degree (or its equivalent) and for those who wish to equip themselves for theological leadership in the church. The program is an excellent preparation for persons planning to continue with studies for a doctoral degree. 

Upcoming courses:

  • 2024 Sep 9-13: The Lutheran Theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer in context (SYTS773), Torbjörn Johansson, FFG
  • 2024 Nov 18-22: Baptism and Lutheran Catechesis, John Pless, CTS
  • 2025 Feb 17-21: Doctrine and Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper (SYTS 735), Naomichi Masaki, CTS

In the American education system, a Master of Divinity (or similar) is required for admission to the S.T.M. degree program. In the European education system, a Bachelor of Theology degree is required (or cand. theol.). Application form

The course fee is US$550 (~5,000 SEK) per course. Students make arrangements for travels and lodging on their own. Students are encouraged to search for scholarships. Contact us for further information.

Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Education Foundation (SELEF) is offering three scholarships (a maximum of 5000 SEK/scholarship) to students of special need. Nordic East Mission (Nordisk Östmission) has expressed willingness to offer scholarships to students from Eastern Europe.

Previous courses (some courses return repeatedly):

January 7-14, 2014:


November 17-22, 2014:

  • GOD’S RIGHTEOUSNESS AND JUSTIFICATION IN ROMANS, 3 credtis, Dr. Timo Laato, Senior Lecturer in New Testament Exegesis at LSTG

March 9-14, 2015:

  • THE OFFICE OF THE HOLY MINISTRY, 3 credits, Dr. Naomichi Masaki, Professor of Systematic Theology at CTS.

September 7-12, 2015:

  • BISHOP BO GIERTZ, 3 credits, Dr. Rune Imberg, Senior Lecturer in Church History at LSTG.

November 16-21, 2015:

  • BAPTISM AND LUTHERAN CATECHESIS, 3 credits, Rev. John T. Pless, Assistant Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions at CTS.

February 29-March 5, 2016:

  • JUSTIFICATION, 3 credits, Dr. Roland F. Ziegler, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at CTS.

September 5-10, 2016:

  • CHRISTOLOGY IN THE GOSPELS (SYTS 755), 3 credits, Dr. Daniel Johansson, Lecturer in New Testament Exegesis at LSTG

November 14-19, 2016 (in Wittenberg, Germany):

  • THE FORMATION OF THE FORMULA OF CONCORD 1546-1576, 3 credits, Dr Lawrence R. Rast, Seminary President and Professor of Historical Theology at CTS

February 27-March 4, 2017:

  • MARTIN LUTHER’S THEOLOGY (SYT779), 3 credits, Dr. Naomichi Masaki, Professor of Systematic Theology at CTS

September 11-16, 2017:

  • THEOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY (SYTS 766), 3 credits, Dr. Timo Laato, Senior Lecturer in New Testament Exegesis at LSTG

November 13-18, 2017

  • DOCTRINE & LITURGY OF THE LORD´S SUPPER (SYTS 735), 3 credtis, Dr. Naomichi Masaki, Professor of Systematic Theology at CTS.

February 26-March 3, 2018

  • HERMENEUTICS (SYTS 758), 3 credits, Dr. Charles Gieschen, Professor of Exegetical Theology at CTS.

September 10-15, 2018:

  • REVIVAL MOVEMENTS, 3 credits, Dr. Rune Imberg, Senior Lecturer in Church History at LSTG.

November 12-17, 2018: 

  • BAPTISM AND CATECHESIS, 3 credits, Rev. John T. Pless, Assistant Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions at CTS.

February 25-March 2, 2019:

  • JUSTIFICATION, 3 credits, Dr. Roland F. Ziegler, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at CTS.
September 9-14, 2019:
  • THE BOOK OF REVELATION, 3 credits, Dr Daniel Johansson, Lecturer in New Testament Exegesis at LSTG.

November 18-23, 2019 (in Wittenberg, Germany):

  • THE FORMATION OF THE FORMULA OF CONCORD 1546-1576, 3 credits, Dr Torbjörn Johansson and Dr. Daniel Johansson, LSTG

March 2-7, 2020:

  • THE OFFICE OF THE HOLY MINISTRY, 3 credits, Dr. Naomichi Masaki, Professor of Systematic Theology at CTS.

September 9-14, 2020:

  • GOD’S RIGHTEOUSNESS AND JUSTIFICATION IN ROMANS, 3 credtis, Dr. Timo Laato, Senior Lecturer in New Testament Exegesis at LSTG

Application and admission procedures for the full S.T.M. program

  1. The prospective student should download and fill in the S.T.M. application form
  2. The applicant must submit official transcripts of all previous academic work beyond high school. Since methods of recording grades and conferring degrees differ from country to country, the applicant must also submit details of their academic careers including official transcripts in English of academic work and copies of any degrees or diplomas held, together with some information about the institutions granting the degrees.
  3. Three letters of recommendation are required from individuals who are able to evaluate the applicant’s character, scholarly intent and ability. This should be sent directly to Concordia Theological Seminary from the referent. The personal reference form is found here.
  4. The application form, transcripts of previous academic work and reference forms should be sent by mail to Concordia Theological Seminary, Graduate Studies Office, 6600 N. Clinton St., Fort Wayne, IN 46825-4996

Study plan for S.T.M. students

Students who take the courses for credit and who apply to include the courses into a full S.T.M. degree follow a specially designed study plan, when taking the courses in Gothenburg. All students major in Systematic Theology (6 out of 9 courses). See the plan for an accredited STM extension in Gothenburg here. In short, the plan looks like this:

Year 1: three intensive courses in Gothenburg. During this year students will pass a Biblical Language Exam in either Greek or Hebrew.
Year 2: three intensive courses in Gothenburg. Students take the Research Language Exam.
Year 3: three intensive courses in Gothenburg or the student visits CTS in Ft Wayne for a full quarter or for two shorter periods (4+3 weeks). Students take the Directed reading course and the Major Comprehensive Exam.
Year 4: A thesis proposal to be approved. Thesis to be written, finished and defended primarily within the fourth year.

Feel free to contact us for further information.


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