Information in English

Welcome to the Lutheran School of Theology, Gothenburg (LSTG)!

Information about courses in the Master of Sacred Theology degree program.

The Lutheran School of Theology in Gothenburg (Församlingsfakulteten i Göteborg) is a theological institution celebrating its 30 years anniversary in 2023, with its own building, facilities, theological library, staff, and publishing house (Pro Veritate). The school has a liturgical and confessional Lutheran foundation for its research, education, and mission.

LSTG offers the location for a Bachelor of Theology degree program (Theology and Mission), given by Fjellhaug International University College in Oslo. It is also possible to study for a year, a certificate of theology degree program.

LSTG offers a Master of sacred theology degree program in collaboration with Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, USA. Upon completing the program, a student receives a Master of Sacred Theology from CTS.



The Lutheran School of Theology, Gothenburg, was established in 1993. As early as 1904, a Swedish Lutheran pastor, Peter Isaac Béen, had the vision of founding a theological institution in Gothenburg, but he was unable to raise sufficient funding. However, some 20 years later his vision was revived, and he gained support from pastors and congregations all over Sweden. Still unable to establish an independent theological institute, he now chose to open a Christian High School (Prästgymnasiet) with the specific aim to prepare young men for the theological university education and pastoral ministry within the Church of Sweden. This high school still exists (now under the name L M Engströms Gymnasium, or Lutheran High School Gothenburg), but offers since 1993 a general high school program not specifically intended for future pastors.

In 1993, the board of L M Engströms Gymnasium decided to establish a Bible-centered, Lutheran institution, now known internationally as the Lutheran School of Theology, Gothenburg (LSTG), with the aim to train students of theology for the pastoral ministry and other Christian work. During its first years, LSTG offered supplementary courses, primarily for students studying religion at the (secular) University of Gothenburg. The board and staff of LSTG were, however, concerned about being dependant on agnostic teaching in the secular university. For this reason, LSTG developed a theological program independent of the university, which finally after about 90 years fulfilled Peter Isaac Béen’s vision of a confessional Lutheran seminary. This education received official recognition in 2009 when it was accredited by the European Evangelical Accrediting Association. In 2019, LSTG decided to work together Fjellhaug International University College in Oslo and offers the location for their fully accredited and recognized Bachelor of Theology degree program (Theology and Mission).

Former students at LSTG have undertaken post-graduate studies in other countries (USA, Norway, China) and even doctoral studies (UK). Several of the students are now ordained for the holy ministry and serve in Lutheran churches, some of them within the Mission Province, whereas other students serve in various mission organizations.

Both LSTG and the Lutheran High School are governed by the Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Education Foundation (Peter Isaac Béens utbildningsstiftelse).


Ekmansgatan 3
SE-411 32 Gothenburg

Phone: +46 31-778 35 40

Donations from abroad can be sent to the following account (owned by The Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Education Foundation):

IBAN: SE38 6000 0000 0007 3613 7998



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